In mid-December 2017, Kentucky’s courts launched a pilot for eFiling forcible detainers (eviction) in two Kentucky counties: Fayette and Garrard.
According to the offices of the court clerks in these two counties, no one had eFiled an eviction complaint until yesterday.
That’s when Brackney Law Office submitted the first eviction complaint via eFiling in Kentucky history! #first
eFiling has been available in Kentucky state courts since a pilot project was launched in December 2013. By October 2015, eFiling was available statewide though not in all matters. The Administrative Office of the Court continues to roll out and beta test new matter types to expand the eFiling options.
Brackney Law Office, PLLC uses tools to make the legal process simpler and more cost-effective for its clients. Another great example is the online scheduling tool where clients can schedule appoints with Peter online at a time that is convenient for them. Recently, one client was so excited about this feature that she tweeted about it!
Brackney Law Office, PLLC is a law firm located in Lexington, Kentucky. BLO represents Kentuckians, their families, and their businesses primarily in the areas of estate planning, bankruptcy, and probate. You can learn more about Brackney Law Office, PLLC by visiting our website at